It has been a crazy month...between the wild rainy weather and the illness and passing of two of my grandfathers, I have accomplished very little in the way of schoolwork, or gardening for that matter...we did get some work on the lapbooks (our first ever lapbook). The girls love them. Thanks so much to Jolanthe for providing the worksheets...I have lots of creative ideas but no so much time...
We have measured the perimeter of the garden and are going to tear down the old nasty fence and replace that starting this week. We will be mapping out where our seeds will go also. Then by the end of next week we should be able to start planting...not sure if it is too early yet or not.
Will Should probably do some research before we begin that process.
***for some reason my computer WILL NOT let me download pictures right now...I am going to try doing it from the laptop over the weekend and see if that is more successful.**
Good luck on your garden bed to come :)
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