Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gardening 101

HSV Garden 

We are embarking on uncharted territory this year...for us at least. We are starting a garden. We have tried for three years and this year we are going to do it. The ground has been tilled, weeded and is ready to go. Now, if only the weather would would expect nice weather this time of year. Not so much.

We had an awesome dig-in-the-dirt-kind-of-day a few weeks ago but since then we have had what I would like to believe is our last snowfall of the year.

The garden has been tilled once this year, and will be ready to be tilled again right before planting begins. As for the fence area, it clearly needs to be revamped so the rodents will not take advantage of our garden before we can.

I am so excited to begin this adventure. And can't wait to begin the lapbooks that will be going along with our discoveries through this adventure.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Newfound motivation!!!

I have so many ideas brewing in my head...I don't even know where to start. For this very reason (and many more) I am so thankful that we do school all year long. I would be sad if I had to wait a whole year to get started on these ideas. And, truth be told, I would probably not still be excited about them by then. These are my ideas for starters:

1. Sensory bins...I have done a few this year but next year I want to go full force for Camdyn. I have gotten some great motivation and ideas from blog searching this afternoon and can't wait to introduce these ideas to our lessons as the weeks progress. And, of course I want to post pics.

2. Lapbooks...I have been very overwhelmed by the idea of lapbooks, I love the idea in theory but need a more detailed idea of what it actually looks like.

These are just two of my plans to begin in the next few weeks, I will be posting more of my ideas as they come into play!
Now to get back to the lesson plans that are going to incorporate both of these ideas!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Storage Solutions

I think we finally have a plan...a way to organize the girls room that they are excited about. While Jamie was at the Mens Breakfast this morning we pulled out all of the girls toys and have them organized and ready to be put in bins that have yet to be I am scouring the internet looking for the vision that is already in my mind. Why, oh why do I do this to myself? It is much easier if I go to store, find organizing solution and then organize...not the other way around...I never find what I am looking for and always get frustrated!